Training to have their Hemodialysis at home has to be done in a hospital dialysis centre, since there are no ‘dedicated’ training units in India currently. As the procedure gets established, HHD training centres will have its own platform for offering training. The requisite mandatory training period lasts 6-8 weeks but the training period is variable. When they are able to ‘initiate and terminate’ their Hemodialysis procedure, with ability to adhere all given instructions during the teching period and feel comfortable with what they are doing, and are able to do Hemoldialysis with confidence, which is usually evident in the last two weeks of the training program, they will be ready to move HHD to their own homes. This implies that the requisite machines are already installed during the training period and thus are able to do HHD when they shift back to their homes. In most instances, the training is done on ‘out-patient’ basis, but variations may be needed for some patients.